Sleep plays, according to the latest discoveries, a vital role in the learning and memory processes. Even while we are sleeping, our brain is extremely active and, as it turns out, sleep is not only a basic physiological need. During sleep many of the functions that keep us healthy are performed by our brains, without us even knowing it.
Sleep programming is an innovative, simple way to improve your life if you don’t have enough time to do it in your waking hours. Change occur more rapidly when we are in deep state of relaxation, which is why techniques such as sleep-programming, hypnosis and meditation are so effective for making the desired changes.
During the slow-wave sleep the verbal suggestions and positive commands go directly into the subconscious mind which is exactly where transformation happens. You cannot make lasting changes unless you work on changing the limiting subconscious patterns. In this period of sleep, the EEG activity is superbly synchronised, producing slow waves with a frequency of less than 1 Hz and a relatively high amplitude.
Audio mental training can be used to effortlessly induce any brainwave state, to prompt widespread neural activity, and to trigger whole brain synchronisation. Find out how to listen to the Sleep-Learning audio programs here.
By merging both hemispheres and allowing them to work together we can have a significant development of all out cognitive functioning in general. Our brain begins to work like a fast computer processor capable of working at faster speeds. A better integration creates higher levels of performance and by using the brainwave entrainment technologies, you will achieve the brainwave synchronisation.
The Northwestern study called ”Strengthening Individual Memories by Reactivating Them During Sleep (published in the Science journal Nov. 20, authors: Paller and Rudoy, co-authors: Joel L. Voss and Carmen E. Westerberg) focuses on memory processing during deep sleep, rather than during REM sleep: “We are beginning to see that deep sleep actually is a key time for memory processing,” Paller said.
Various theories explain the relationships between sleep and learning in humans. It has been discovered that research indicates that sleep is not just about resting, but also contributes to the consolidation of long-term memories. REM sleep and slow-wave sleep play different roles in memory consolidation. REM is associated with the consolidation of non-declarative (implicit) memories. An example of a non-declarative memory would be a task that we can do without consciously thinking about it, such as riding a bike. Slow-wave, or non-REM (NREM) sleep, is associated with the consolidation of declarative (explicit) memories. These are facts that need to be consciously remembered, such as dates for a history class.
Recent studies suggest that learning, particularly language learning, vocabulary and grammar structure, may occur during sleep. The conclusions of these experimental projects in which Russian lessons and expressions were used as training material for mixed age groups and individuals, indicates the following:
1. sleep-learning or can be applied as an auxiliary aid supporting daytime learning, therefore
2. it seems to accelerate and facilitate the process of classroom studies and homework, and
3. its application is recommended for secondary school students and adults.
1. Science journal Nov. 20, authors: Paller and Rudoy, co-authors: Joel L. Voss and Carmen E. Westerberg
2. Pal,-Kooze; Erzsebet,-G.-Ordogh; Otto,-Stabel Hypnopaedical experiments. Modern-Nyelvoktatas. 1968; 6(1-2): 100-113