Subliminal messages do leave a mark on the brain, say scientists. Using brain scanners, they found we often record images we are not even aware of having seen. University College London researchers have discovered the first palpable evidence that invisible subliminal images do attract the brain’s attention on a subconscious level. The wider implication for the study, published in Current Biology, is that techniques such as subliminal advertising, now banned in the UK but still legal in the USA, certainly leave their mark on the brain.

Using Functional MRI (fMRI), the study looked at whether an image you aren’t aware of – but one that reaches the retina – has an impact on brain activity in the primary visual cortex, part of the occipital lobe. Subjects’ brains did respond to the object even when they were not conscious of having seen it. This research shows that when your brain doesn’t have the capacity to pay attention to an image, even images that act on our subconscious simply do not get registered.”

Dr Bahador Bahrami, of the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and the UCL Department of Psychology, said: “What’s interesting here is that your brain does log things that you aren’t even aware of and can’t ever become aware of”.

Now, subliminal refers to any stimulus that is below the threshold of conscious perception. The messages are embedded in the music, just below your hearing level. You might not be consciously aware of the subliminal positive suggestions, but your brain is hearing everything. Over time, your subconscious will accept the suggestions as true, and create appropriate behaviours to support that new mental program. Find out how to listen to the Subliminal message audio programs here.

All the subliminal messages embedded in the programs are recorded just below the usual levels of hearing. However, all the messages are are displayed on your product page. So, before you purchase your subliminal audio program, just make sure to read the affirmations first.

Emerging research has shown that subliminal messages can influence our thoughts and behavior. In a recent study scientists found that positive subliminal messages enhanced participants’ attitude of the self.

Légal, Chappé, Coiffard, and Villard-Forest (2011) subliminally primed people with the words “to trust.” The result was that those individuals found a message about tap water consumption to be significantly more persuasive.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
Science Daily, Date: March 9, 2007 Source: University College London